Recently I finished the book "The Heavenly Man", a Biography on a man called 'Brother Yun' which was compiled, and edited by a close friend of his named Paul Hattaway.
The stories in this book were absolutely astounding to me from beginning to end. After reading this book, and accounting for the historical events, I don't think anyone could doubt God and His miracles in this age! What was specifically impacting about this book, is that the years mentioned in the book are from the early 80's through the early 2000's (My life span). So as I was reading about Yun's years in prison and the thousands of people being saved, I was remembering what I was doing in 6th grade. Or when I first became a Christian, Brother Yun started speaking globally about his testimony of God in his life in China.
One of the other bigger impacts about reading this book for me was that there are many things I think about and constantly try to debate in my head, and Biblically about whether or not I am right, such as how to combat evil, if you should combat evil, how to witness against those who mock you, how to both respect a government and still stand for what you believe. Throughout this entire book, the way Brother Yun lived his life is remarkably similar to how I would see myself wanting to endure through trials such as the ones he went through. -- While it's easy to know how I want persevere through trials, hearing a story of someone doing it, and seeing the fruit that was borne is amazingly powerful in my life. This is especially true when you see so much luke warmness throughout America and in the Church... more specifically, when I see so much luke warmness in my own life, and being convicted of it.
This book is a truly inspiring kick in the rear end away from the things of this world and towards the Kingdom. This is the best missionary biography I have read and would recommend it for anyone who desires to hear of God working in and through His people. This book addresses scripture memorization, prayer, church division, evangelism, generosity, salvation, and so much more in a non-evasive God-glorifying way. Please take the time to read it!
God Bless!