Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Believing, But Not Seeing, John 20:29

The Christian life is based off of decisions by faith. "Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, and the assurance of what is not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). People refute faith based on science, but by definition faith does not fall under the law of science because it proves itself. It is absolute assurance. The LORD honors faith. "Jesus said, 'Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed'" (John 20:26). Faith can only be realized through experience that happens following the act of believing by faith. That experience only comes by believing whole-heartedly and living expectant of the Lord to fulfill his promise of faith. At first this seems a bit of a paradox. This passages identifies to camps people can be a part of:

First, the man who lives by sight, or feelings - "because you have seen Me...". Specifically, before this verse Thomas touched the wounds of Christ and because of this of this he was able to believe that Jesus was LORD. Now, thankfully for Thomas, Jesus knew that was what Thomas needed in order to believe and be saved. Many times, we need to our feelings to match our beliefs in order to make a heart-level commitment to things. However, there is a second category that is brought up.

This second category is described as "those who believe without seeing". Jesus declared that they are blessed. Why? Because through that which is not scientifically proven, they can believe and make a heart-level commitment to the promises in the Bible. After understanding this, the natural question to ask is where does faith come from, and how does this apply to us?

Well, because Jesus is not walking as a man on this earth today offering "feelings-based" proofs of his existence and lordship, we must take the second avenue to belief that was described and provided by God. So, we are meant to be "those who believe without seeing". God desires to bless us in these things. So where does faith come from? Some would say it comes from us, but Ephesians 2:8,9 states that "You are saved by grace, through faith - and this is a gift from God, not of yourselves so that no one can boast." -- HOW Humbling. We do not have the faith to give. Do you remember how Jesus knew that in order for Thomas to believe, he had to offered up his hands and his pierced side so that Thomas could see and believe? Well, in the same way - God knows that because of our doubts, our lack of faith, and the darkness around us - we cannot in our own strength believe in Him. Therefore, faith is a gift of God provided for us to believe, and not only to believe, but to be blessed according to John 20:29! Praise the LORD for faith, and that we can live by it. Living by faith does just stop here though.

As a basis for faith in our lives, God has offered up an entire Bible full of faith-filled stories that encourage us, spur us on, and allow us to Glorify Him with our actions. Believing in Jesus is just step one of your walk of faith. I would encourage you to know that the direction and empowerment (being filled) by the Holy Spirit is also an initial and extremely important faith step in your walk with Christ. We also pray by faith, expectant that God will answer those things which are according to his will. The list goes on of how we offer up a life of faith to God!

Be encouraged my friends, and live by faith, for faith pleases God and He blesses those who live by the gift of faith that He has provided for us. John finishes off these thoughts on believing by faith by saying, "Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name" (John 20:30,31).

  • Do I live and make decision based on feelings and what I see, or faith?
  • If I don't depend on feelings as much, there are still areas where I do. How can I surrender those to the LORD in order to live faith-filled, directed and empowered by the Spirit?
  • Who is someone I can share this with who God wants enabled to live a life faith-filled and believing in Jesus?
Additional Resource: Faith is not a Feeling <- I highly recommend reading this too :)

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